Oak Estate winery wedding in Summerland Bc

Venue: Oak Estate Winery www.oakestatewinery.com

Planning and Design: Lavish Wedding and Event Planning www.lavish-events.ca

Photography: Blackhurst Photography www.blackhurst-photography.com

Rentals: Lavish Events

Desert: Baked by Cyndy

Hair and Makeup: Cassidy Watt

Photobooth: Flash and Frame

Another Oak Estate Winery success story. The wedding was a beautiful and romantic affair. The couple was so in love, and it showed in every photo.

The ceremony took place on the edge of a cliff, with breathtaking views as the backdrop. The portraits were taken on a path lined with sage bushes that led down to the serene lake.

I aimed to capture the couple's love and authenticity in every shot. The photos have a timeless quality that will be cherished for years to come.

The stunning location, the genuine love between the couple, and the gorgeous photos captured this special day to create a truly memorable and romantic wedding day.